Did Paul ever break God’s Law?
Many Christian churches and Pastors teach that Paul never kept the law ever since his miraculous conversion in the book of Acts Chapter 9. Is this really true or was it taught to fit their narration against the application of the Laws of God even today, which the church conveniently rejects? But that is not what we see in the scripture.
The problem is, if Paul, for example, actually taught that the Sabbath was done away with, or that God’s eternal commands concerning the Sabbath are no longer valid, then he has disobeyed Jewish Law and disregarded the very sign that God gave to Israel in the Mosaic Covenant. So did Paul ever break Jewish Law or say that parts of it were now done away with? Let’s take a look at some New Testament verses.
Acts 25:8 Paul said in his defense, “I have committed no offense against the Jewish law or against the temple or against Caesar.“
Acts 28:17 After three days Paul called the local Jewish leaders together. When they had assembled, he said to them, “Brothers, although I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our ancestors, from Jerusalem I was handed over as a prisoner to the Romans.
The above Scriptures make it clear that NOT ONLY did the Apostle Paul NOT go against the Law (Torah) but that he also kept the “traditions of our fathers”, meaning that he scrupulously adhered to the Jewish oral law traditions.
This includes all the 613 laws, all the ordained feasts and the Sabbaths. Remember, Sabbath observance was the very center of Jewish Law and life. If Paul was running around telling people that it was okay to stop observing the Sabbath or the Biblically ordained feasts, he would have been committing a very serious offence against Jewish Law. This is like Paul writing his death penalty.